Wine Trails FAQ

Why doesn’t Wine Trails have a complete list of wineries in each state? Good question … Wine Trails is more of an informational travelogue site rather than a strictly informational site. There are more than 5,000 wineries in the U.S. and the number changes constantly due to openings and closings. It would literally be a full-time job to keep track. We advise double-checking our listings against a state’s wine website or state tourism board website.

Are all wine trails listed in the Wine Trails List? We strive to make the list to be as comprehensive as possible. Even with our own best efforts, we are notified fairly often that a new wine trail has been designated. Usually the notification comes from the wine trail itself or someone in state tourism. Recently, designations of “official” wine trails have become looser. By this we mean, states are combining various aspects of agritourism into one trail that can be easily traveled by tourists — who may have varied interests beyond wine. Examples of this are the increased number of “wine and fruit” trails and “wine and cheese” trails. Typically, this denotes a trail with wineries, fruit orchards, cheese manufacturers and more — all on one trail. We’ll list these trails because they’re wine-based, and we don’t want to be too purist about things. If it helps promote the state’s wine industry, we’re all for it!

Do wine trails pay you anything to be included on Wine Trails? No. We’re happy to list all the wine trails we’re aware of. We don’t charge anything to be listed here. We do accept advertising, but typically it’s advertising for wine-related products or services.

How would one advertise on Wine Trails? Simply drop us a line on our Contact Us page and we’ll be happy to work with you.

Why do some states list travelogues while others do not? If our travels take us to a wine trail, we write up our experiences in a travelogue. Otherwise, the overview is more general in nature and focuses on the state’s wine industry. Since 2007, we’ve been to many state’s wine trails, including Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Washington, Florida, North Carolina, Michigan and Indiana — just to name a few.

Can readers contribute travelogues about their own wine trail travels? Yes! If the general tone and style of your travelogue generally matches those that are already on the site, we’d love the addition. If we publish yours, we’ll give you writing credit. We do not provide compensation but we’d be happy to link to your website, as long as it’s for the most part focused on wine and/or travel.

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